We've had this beautiful shawl on display in the shop for a little while, and it's attracting a huge amount of admiration. It's AoibheNÃ's
Bel, the final shawl in her
Legendary Shawls series (our Crochet-A-Long pattern,
Venus, came from there too). Made with her signature Tunisian lace crochet technique, it's clever and charming.

The yarn's Coolree Yarns Alpaca/Silk/Cashmere 4-ply, and the combination of Aoibhe's crochet design with Alex McLeod's amazing eye for colour make it something really special indeed. Did we mention that we got a new delivery from Coolree Yarns last week? Oh, it just makes you smile to look at it.
Aoibhe's Tunisian lace workshop on May 25th has been sold out for a while, but there's still a couple of places available for the July 6th workshop (but they probably won't be for long!). Her day-long workshops are fascinating and so much much fun - why not have a go this summer? You'll find the booking page
at this link.
As such a delightful collaboration between two talented Irish craftspeople, of course Bel is attracting admiration. Drop by and see it in person if you can!