What are TIK Tokens?
TIK Tokens is the new name for our customer loyalty scheme. Once you sign up for an account on our site you will be eligible to earn TIK Tokens and to take advantage of our Refer a Friend discount scheme. This will replace our previous loyalty system with the added advantage that you will now be able to use your Tokens online as well as in store.
Don't worry if you were already signed up to our previous reward scheme - all outstanding points will be transferred over to the new system and if you register with the email attached to your previous account you will see them when you sign in.
What do I have to do?
Once you create your account you will automatically earn TIK Tokens on both in store and on line purchases (4 points for every Euro spent, before VAT is applied). There are also a few ways to earn "bonus" Tokens which we'll explain below.
To access the details of your loyalty account (and to retrieve your "refer a friend" link), simply click on the Rewards Tag at the bottom left hand side of your screen, as illustrated below.
How to access your account
How do I use my TIK Tokens?
If you are shopping on line make sure to log into your account. If you have reached an award amount you can exchange your TIK Tokens for a discount voucher that will be emailed to you. If you are in store just ask us if you have a reward available and we can then apply it to your purchase.
What else can I do to earn TIK Tokens?
You can earn bonus TIK Tokens by following us on our different social media channels, and if you add your birthday to your account you will get an extra birthday bonus.

Refer a friend
We have also introduced a refer a friend scheme - so if you have someone in your life who has been thinking about taking up a fibre craft then now's the time for you both to save! Share your referral link with your friend and they can avail of a 10% discount on their first order. Once they have completed that order you'll get 10% for yourself - fibre friends are the best!
To retrieve your referral link simply click the Rewards Tag at the bottom left hand of the screen. Make sure you're logged in to your account and then scroll down to get your personalised link.
The key to all these shiny benefits is that rewards tag. Make sure to sign up for an account today and then click to see all the great ways you can save!
I would prefer not to be a member of TIK Tokens.
That's no problem at all - you can still check out as a guest on the website and if you would like an account but not the TIK Tokens please contact us and we can remove you from the scheme.
Any questions about the new TIK Tokens please contact us here and we will get you on your way to fibre filled rewards!
Happy crafting everyone!