Beginner Beauties
December 06 2016 – thisisknit

As we had our adventurous knits last week, today is a good time to strike some balance and have a little peek at two of our favourite Beginner Knitting patterns.
You may be a regular reader of our blog, or you might just have stumbled upon this post when searching for a somewhere to start on your knitting journey. Either way we have some very pretty projects to share with you - and both demonstrate that simple doesn't have to mean "basic" or "boring" at all.
You'll have a pair of these mitts whipped up in no time, and will be an expert at the basics by then, because you will have done them all twice in a short space of time. So the simplest of stitches is turned sideways, and then a bit of whimsical embellishment is added... the result? One happy new knitter with a funky new pair of fingerless gloves!
We've been knitting Mistake Rib scarves for over a decade now, and they never fail to please. They are perfect as gift knits for men or women, and the broken rib stitch pattern works well with almost every yarn imaginable. This season we have chosen Louisa Harding Trenzar, for its subtle tweedy finish and for the warmth of its merino and alpaca base. It's a winning combination, and the end result certainly looks much more than the sum of its parts.
So have we convinced you to give this knitting lark a try? Let us help you get started - our January knitting courses are booking now.
Or are you one of our regular readers? If so then remember that we offer beginner kits for both of these designs so that you can share your love of the craft this Christmas... Knitting is contagious - so pass the bug around!

Our "Bread and Buttoned" Mitts
It's a common misconception that a first project for a new knitter should generally be a scarf. Don't get us wrong - scarves are very good introductions to the world of knits and purls. However the more impatient among us can find them a bit same-y after a while and be eager to try to something new. That's where the Bread and Buttoned Mitts come in! They have all the same techniques that you'd learn in a scarf - cast on, knit and cast off - with the added bonus of just being 5-6 inches worth of knitting per mitt.