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Class Schedule Updates

October 09 2007 – thisisknit

There have been a few changes to our class schedule recently so I thought it would be a good idea to highlight them here. The Custom Fit Your Knits Class has now been moved to the 25th of November and replaces the Colourwork Class. On the 20th of October, we have provisionally scheduled a Beginners' Class, which will run if we get sufficient numbers! There are a few places remaining on the Mobius Class this week, and a few customers have asked me to explain a little bit more about Mobius knitting so here is an extract from our newsletter (just in case you are not a subscriber and, if not, just email us asking to be signed up and we'll sort that out for you!): Essentially a Mobius strip is a continuous one-sided surface formed by rotating one end of a rectangular strip 180° and attaching it to the other end. In knitting, however, it can be formed in a number of ways and this class will give the participants an option between two methods – one will involve a provisional cast on and grafting stitches together using kitchener stitch (both really useful techniques for knitting in general) and the other teaches a specific Mobius cast on that allows you to knit in two directions at once, using one long circular needle looped twice around itself! And why would you want to construct a Mobius? Well, you can wear it as a cowl that sits comfortably folded against your neck and upper chest to keep you snug and warm. In colder weather it can also be tugged up over your head and ears to keep fight off a chill breeze. On a larger scale (and this is my next Mobius project) you can knit a “wrap” that is all of one piece and that sits snugly over your shoulders with the half twist lying decoratively at centre front. This avoids the need for shawl pins and/or constantly tossing your wrap back over your shoulder when it slips down! So if you are looking for a new knitting challenge email us or telephone the shop to get booked in. For more information on our classes, visit the Classes and Events page of our website...


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