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October 14 2011 – thisisknit

On Saturday, the most charming testimonial was delivered to the shop. It's in the picture above - a crocheted postcard from a recent attendee at the Beginners' Crochet course. It made our day. It was also really fortuitous, because we were just about to announce the class schedule for November and December. The full schedule is now up on the website. As usual, we've got beginners' classes in both crochet and knitting - and we've got an additional beginners' slot on Wednesday mornings from 11.00 to 12.30 if our usual hours don't suit. Over on Ravelry, we're happy to say, Aoibhe Ní's Dublin Bay Shawl is causing quite a stir. You can learn the technique for this shawl straight from its originator on Sunday November 6th. If your garment finishing could do with a little help, we've got two Finishing Schools coming up, one in each month. If you'd like to tackle Möbius knitting, there's a class featuring the Glenties Cowl on November 26th, just in time for quick Christmas present knitting. And if you need a very rapid Christmas present project at short notice, we have a Garter Stitch Mitt class which will save the day. There's plenty of other technique-specific classes on the schedule. Click on over there and see what takes your fancy. And you never know, there might be surprise classes announced as we get closer to Christmas, so keep an eye here and on the newsletter. And Ciarán, thank you again for the card. We love it!


  • Knit-2-Together: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Love this precious card, what a neat way to say thanks! Love the shawl on ravelry casting on soon!

  • Jenny: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    I’m really looking forward to the Christmas decorations class, have booked myself and my mum in.

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