Wee dotes!
September 23 2014 – thisisknit

If a small someone in your life needs a bear (or if you need one yourself!), we can help. These two characters are the project for Colette's two-session Toy Knitting class which we recently started offering.

On the way to having your own wee bear, you learn useful toy-making skills: increasing and decreasing for little arms and legs, embroidering those little faces, using stuffing and lots more techniques for making perfect little companions.
Our next Toy Making class will be held on October 18th and 25th (both Saturdays), and you can nab a place at
this link. In fact, you can see all of our October classes freshly announced
right here, and even if you don't need a wee knitted friend, there's lots of other skills and fun on offer.
It says “Made for a Special Baby” – one of the most popular in our range of sew-on labels :D Well spotted!
What’s the label I can see on the bum? Does it say it’s hand made? These are gorgeous.