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Weekend Knitting

February 13 2007 – thisisknit

It seems there was a shocking lack of picture-taking this weekend…

If I had taken pictures, you would be looking at three would-be lace knitters woman-fully tackling the magic loop technique for the first time on Saturday morning and another cementing her knitting knowledge. Winter’s best attempt at bug-spreading meant that lace knitting is being re-arranged for a later date TBA. The girls had the option to come along anyway so we had a great morning at our impromptu knitting group!

I could also have introduced you to our very international beginners’ class on Sunday. This group had members from Australia, America, Italy and Thailand – oh, and Donegal. They all got along like a house on fire and the time flew by. A bit of knitting did get done and everyone left well into their first scarf, despite the much debated option of simply wrapping the Cashmerino yarn around their necks unknitted. Ooh – I can give you a picture – because we were referring to this:


Weekend Knitting

See that? The skein of yarn around her neck? It’s an option!

In other news, we are bouncing with excitement because the lovely Aileen is going to design some original patterns for us! Watch this space because we know they're going to be great. We're also thrilled to support some genuine home-grown knitting talent and Aileen has it in spades :)

It looks like Drogheda Knit and Natter will be taking a break this week, as a lot of the lucky girlies have Valentines plans. We're back on for the same time next week though.

And, there are just two places left on our Finishing Class this weekend so drop me a line if you want to grab one of them!


  • Aileen: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Awwww thank you! I am super-excited about it myself! Can’t wait to get started!

  • Elana: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Thanks for the class! I’ve even managed to get my next ball of yarn going, after felting it together with the first! Of course, I’ve mangled the ball itself, trying to find the end, but it’s all going swimmingly. SO excited to be doing this, thanks so much!!!

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