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And the winner is...

June 26 2014 – thisisknit

Our World Wide Knit in Public Scavenger Hunt was great fun, and the points have been counted! First of all, thank you so much to everyone - we couldn't stop refreshing the thread to see the latest postings, and your pictures were amazing! There were frogs and tigers and famous musicians and ever so many unicycles, and the standard of the photography was stunning! And would you believe it: one extra knitter in the group photo decided first and second place! So without further ado, and in ascending order... Third prize goes to JenBear! It was lovely to see knitting so prominently displayed in our oldest university, and we're delighted to see our neighbours A Rubanesque featured! Second prize goes to Neavis, who melted our hearts with Bó the Cow and proved that Marty Morrissey is a terrific sport! And in first place, let's hear it for PrettyandPink! With help from a very small Erica, a Eurovision winner and ten fantastic weekly knitters, she's a worthy winner! Congratulations to you all for making this a wonderful competition! You know when people say "you all deserve to win"? Well, we really mean it! We've been so impressed at all the entries that we've decided to give a prize to all the entrants! So here's to you, Cathliin, eistear, LouiseSaoirse and snailishk! Get in touch with us - we have some delicious Studio Donegal Soft prizes for you! Thank you all again, and let's keep spreading the Knit in Public word!


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