October 31 2012 – thisisknit

We get to see a lot of lovely knitted and crocheted objects, but it's not often that we meet one as charming, clever and downright dotey as this. When we saw it, we begged for the details to share with you, so here goes.
First of all, this is not a giant hat photographed with an average pumpkin. It's a hat for a baby who hasn't been born yet, with a very tiny pumpkin. Sara, the very clever knitter who concocted it, went searching through the Ravelry database and, when she didn't find exactly the right pattern, combined and modified two different ones.
The hat itself is the
Kürbis Baby Hat, but made with a shorter and perkier stem. But stems need leaves, so Sara used a bit of the
Ivy Leaf Cord for the foliage.
The yarn is
Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, which means that the hat's not only soft and snuggly enough for a brand new baby, but it's machine washable so it's easy to care for too.
We've said before that pretty much our favourite thing is seeing what the yarn turns into after it goes out the door. This wee treasure is a perfect example of what we mean. Sara, thank you so much for letting us share it.
And Happy Hallowe'en to you all!