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Finished objects

July 15 2011 – thisisknit

Three months ago (really? it doesn't seem that long), we started the Spring KAL. There's a pleasing number of finished objects in the KAL Ravelry thread, though some people are still working on theirs. So it seemed like a good time to post a couple of FO pictures. We've got one Clam and one Breaker, the first knitted by Lisa and the second by Jacqui. Here's the Clam: Isn't it pretty? Isn't the cabling just lovely? Isn't the sleeve very pleasing? Well, there was a point when that sleeve wasn't quite so pleasing. When it was first attached to the body and gleefully tried on, it became horridly obvious that it was out of alignment by half a row, so that the seam fell at the front of the arm rather than the back. After the gnashing of teeth died away, the sleeve was rescued. Snipping a single thread just above the cable, ripping out a row and capturing all the stitches from both sides, the sleeve was turned round the right way and grafted into its new position. The fix is invisible, so a small amount of labour and fiddle meant that Lisa's Clam is a lovely and wearable garment instead of a sulking mass at the bottom of a drawer. Jacqui's Breaker went very smoothly indeed. We've already blogged about knitting the fronts and back in one piece with a fake seam, which meant that there was much less making up to do. This is the back view. Aren't the little vents at the cuffs with the buttons an elegant touch? But the best thing about this KAL was watching our customers' garments take shape. In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we're already thinking about another. Watch this space!


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