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At wits' end

March 21 2014 – thisisknit

Weaving in ends is one of the final stages of a project, and despite our best efforts (splicing when adding a new ball, working seamlessly and so on), there's always some to do. The Garter Yoke Baby Cardi (a hugely popular and dotey free pattern on Ravelry) is a case in point. It's a delight to work in sportweight yarn (this one's in Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino), made from the top down with the option of a neat i-cord edging. It's quick and it's easily customisable. But there's no denying it: that's a lot of ends. It's a good idea to leave your ends long while you wash and block and snip them off only at the end. But then it's easy to get confused about forget which ones you've woven in and which you haven't, and you can easily end up peering crossly at your work trying to decide. So here's a handy trick to speed things along: as you finish weaving in a strand, just tie a knot in it. Then it's easy to run your fingers down the length of any end and spot if you still need to deal with it. It'll keep you a little further away from your wits' end!


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