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Altogether lovely

November 30 2013 – thisisknit

This is Jen's latest shawl, just off the blocking mat a few days ago, and it's a while since we've seen so many gorgeous components come together to such effect. First of all, there's the two yarns: Katia Airlux and Hedgehog Fibres Sock. It's an unusual combination for a shawl, but Airlux takes to lace like it was born to it (remember it as a Swallowtail?), and these two colourways work so well together. And then there's the pattern. It's Shaelyn, and it's perfect for working in two colours. The alternating lace and stocking stitch sections adapt beautifully to striping, and if you're looking for a very simple and effective shawl pattern, Shaelyn's perfect. The stocking stitch sections are the easiest thing imaginable and the lace keeps the project interesting. But that's not all the prettiness in this project. Jen found perfect matching beads and beaded the scalloped border. The beads add a little touch of sparkle and a bit of weight to the edge. If you haven't beaded your knitting before, this is a perfect introduction. We're always looking for new yarn and pattern combinations, the ones that venture outside the box a bit, and we love seeing your finished objects - why not leave us a comment below sharing your good ideas? We'd all love the inspiration!

1 comment

  • Yvonne: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Beautiful job Jenny!

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