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Cuddled in cables

February 04 2014 – thisisknit

Sometimes you come across a pattern that makes you want to drop everything else and knit it now, because it's a gorgeous combination of soothing repetition and engaging interest. Well, this is how we feel about Quadrature for Korrigan, which is a baby blanket for a much-anticipated baby. Jacqui used Studio Donegal, and the result has to be snuggled to be believed. A quick bath and a block, and it's perfect for newborn fingers and toes. The elegance of the pattern means that in finer yarn it would also make a pretty shawl, and in bulky it would be a terrific throw. Stocking stitch for most of the way, with the cables set off by the garter stitch border, means that it's an easy and satisfying knit. We can't wait to see a new wee person wrapped up in it!

1 comment

  • Patricia: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Well now I do wonder which baby that will be for. What a lovely pattern with a real sense of “Irish”. This is definitely one for me to keep in mind, whenever I become a grandma.

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