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Easy as pie

July 25 2014 – thisisknit

We're big fans of simple baby garments, the ones that you can make as your first project, and then make over and over again! Here's one that fits the bill: it's Debbie Bliss's Shawl-collared Baby Jacket from her Baby Knits for Beginners, and we love it. Debbie's book is terrific. It's one of the best books for beginners out there, taking you from casting on through garter stitch and stocking stitch to shaping with short rows, all with clear explanation and diagrams and the dotiest collection imaginable of little knits. There's scarves and hats and blankets and jumpers and the sweetest wee dress. For our little jacket, we used Rico Soft Merino Aran, soft for baby skin and machine-washable to boot - and it comes in a gorgeous colour range. The jacket comes in three sizes to fit from six months to two years, and the largest takes just four balls of the yarn, so it's an economical little garment too. But best of all, babies and knitted things just go together so well!


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