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What’s going on around here?

March 13 2007 – thisisknit

Knitting, that's what! I just wanted to share a few of our latest projects with you all. We finally gathered them together for a bit of a photo shoot, which the resident three year old wanted desperately to feature in and so, first and foremost, here are his socks: jamiemodelledsocks.gif These were knit from leftover in Lakeview, after Jacqui completed her anklet socks. He absolutely loves them! So much so that when the first sock was completed, he wandered around the house for a whole afternoon with just one sock on :) sleepsackprogress.gif sleepsideopening.gif A work-in-progress, which has shamefully stalled, is the baby sleep sack. Why did I think that 7 stitches to an inch in an ever-increasing round was a good idea? It does give a nice professional-looking finish though, so I will persevere. I made up a side-opening, where three buttons will be sewed onto the underside of the moss stitch, which lays over a button band and should close "invisibly" . I am sure there is a technical design term for this so pop it into a comment here if you know - thanks! topdownalsilkjumper.gif topdowncollar.gif Next up is Jacqui's simply gorgeous Knitting Pure and Simple (Un)Hooded Tunic. We both reckon the collar could have been more generous, and there's room to go back and lengthen it, but for the moment there are no breezes on the back of the neck so Jacqui's happy. The pattern was excellently written and very easy to follow, and makes use of a really nifty technique for creating a cross-over join at the base of the neck.  There are some clever people at KP&S. toeupfeelings.gif In sock news, I cast on for a toe up pair of socks last week, using Opal Feelings sock yarn.  This picture is totally out of date now, as the first sock is complete and fits like a dream.  We are serious fans of the "try-on-as-you-go" method of knitting around here!  Updated pics soon... testknitsocks.gif And Jacqui was test-knitting some sock yarn, but we have since discovered the company don't do wholesale anymore.  It's a pity, cause it's lovely stuff.  Both socks are now off the needles and being put to use.  Yep, sock knitting is addictive... butterfly_pic.jpg          butterflyfull.gif             Butterfly And finally, Butterfly from Noro Knits, made from Silk Garden Shade 225.  Due to an over-blocking accident this is now a present for Jacqui.  We're going to try to re-block, but I don't see it recovering.  On the bright side, it fits her perfectly and, as a fellow knitter, I know she appreciates the gift. I have lots more news and plenty of customer knits to share with you too.  Stay tuned for more!

1 comment

  • Linda: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Wow, you two have been busy.

    Lisa you are so generous and Butterfly looks great on Jacqui, what a fantastic present.


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