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Winter warmth

October 21 2011 – thisisknit

Now that we've got a sofa upstairs in the shop, we can display lovely and large things like this blanket, which is Jacqui's newest design. She's called it Cois Tine, because there could be no nicer object to snuggle under by the fire. It's knitted from Mirasol Ushya, so it's astoundingly warm and soft. If you're looking for a project that will keep you warm both as you knit it and after you've finished it, then might we suggest this one? The pattern's available from the shop and takes eight skeins of Ushya. Jacqui knitted it with 15mm acrylic Knitpro tips on a 120cm cable. And if you're in the shop, make sure you give our Cois Tine a squoosh.


  • Jenny: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    That looks so amazing. And I love the name.

  • Knit-2-Together: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Stunning! I love the color! Perfect warm blanket for the winter months ahead! Thanks for sharing!

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