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Many colours

January 13 2015 – thisisknit

It's early days, but 2015 is looking like a Big Year for colourwork! It all started with Kate Davies' adorable Epistropheid. There's been a wee outbreak of them among our customers, and we're jumping on that bandwagon with glee! Stranded colourwork is easy, fun to work and, best of all right now, so warm! Epistropheid is very fast to work, and it's such a good introduction to stranded colourwork. It's designed for DK, and some of our first-time colourworkers have had it started and finished within thirty six hours! Another splendid choice for your first stranded colourwork is the Easy Ombre Slouch, which was one of our most popular gift kits over Christmas. There's plenty of resources online to help you with stranded colourwork too, and a very good place to start is Stranded, the stranded colourwork group on Ravelry. If you're looking for a group to embark on colourwork with, then we hear that the Brooks Hotel knitting group is starting a colourwork Knit-Along this coming Thursday. You can work any colourwork pattern you like, but several people are starting the amazing Sanquhar Cowl. There's details here. And if you fancy learning colourwork in one of our classes, the next one is coming up on the 28th of February, and you can nab your place at this link.


  • thisisknit: September 16, 2020
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    You might like the look of “Anders” too in our latest post (the ombre techcnique is used to represent falling snow…)

  • thisisknit: September 16, 2020
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    Thanks so much for your comment. We couldn’t agree more – it’s a perfect first project for a new colourwork knitter and the result is just lovely :)

  • Eskimimi Makes: September 16, 2020
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    I love the colour work of that Ombre Slouch – what a good way to learn tensioning skills with varying float lengths and yet never run into too long a float – and such a lovely result in the transition from one colour to the next.

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