We're in a particularly good mood - it's St Patrick's Day this weekend, the leaves are coming out on the trees and the days are getting longer. So we've decided to celebrate with a competition!
We want photographs of your crochet or knitting in a uniquely Irish setting! It can be a finished object or a work in progress (we love both!), and as for what "uniquely Irish" means, you decide! Baby booties by the Cliffs of Moher, a tea cosy snuggling up to a pot of Barry's Gold Blend in Edinburgh, a bookmark nestling in a copy of Dubliners in Tokyo.... "Irish", after all, means lots of things!
Entering this competition is easy: just post your picture in
the thread in our Ravelry group. You've got until midnight on March 24th 2013 IST to post your entry, so there's plenty of time to scout a location and get your work in the frame.
If you don't know how to post a picture on Ravelry, here's a chance to find out how very simple it is. There's details on
this help page, but we thought a couple of screen shots might be useful.
The easiest way of posting a picture in a forum thread is to upload it to somewhere else on the internet and then link to it from the thread. "Somewhere else" can mean
a flickr account,
a photobucket account, your blog, or simply a project page on Ravelry. Since everyone that's entering the competition will already have a Ravelry account, this last is the one we'll concentrate on here.
When you've set up a project page for your chosen object, you can add pictures to it by clicking on the tab that the arrow's pointing to here:

That will bring you to a screen offering you all the photo upload options - we're going to concentrate on one here...

...the one that makes it easy to post a project picture in a thread. So when you've uploaded your project pictures, go to the thread you want to post in, and click on "reply to thread", down at the bottom right hand corner of the page. This will open a reply box, with a set of little images running along the top of it. The arrow's pointing to the one you click on to add a picture:

You'll be offered a number of choices here. We're linking straight to the picture on the project page, so select that option:

This will allow you to select the project picture you want to display in your post, and then to add text if you like.
And that's it! Your picture will appear as if by magic in the thread. What's more, your readers can hop straight to your project page just by clicking on the picture.

But what, you ask, is the prize? It's an
armful of Irish yarn! Head on over to
the competition thread for details, and then show us what we're made of this St Patrick's Day!
As for this coming weekend, we're open as usual on Saturday, but closed on Sunday and on Bank Holiday Monday. We'll be open again on Tuesday morning at 10.30am