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Silk Garden Lite Brioche

March 30 2010 – thisisknit

I had thought we'd be flying out the spring posts by now but, nope... today's weather has given an old favourite scarf of mine another outing, and it's one I haven't blogged about as yet... SGLiteBrioche1 I'm sure many of you have seen the, oh, I don't know, gazillion Noro Striped Scarves on the internets? That link there is just a selction of the favourited ones on Ravelry, all 3017 of them! This one is just a little twist on that classic, using brioche rib instead of the regular 1x1 rib called for. I was just flicking around You Tube and found the video below... it's such a quick and easy stitch! It takes four rows of each colourway to get a similar effect to the classic Noro Scarf and I also went up a needle size to get a better drape in the project :) SGLiteBrioche2 Do try this stitch - but it should come with a health warning - it's very addictive!


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