Tales From The Window: Halloween
November 01 2010 – Roseanne

Three Witches in Macbeth represented darkness, chaos, and conflict. What a big job that must have been! Full of pressure and stress and deadlines, I'm sure. Luckily for them, they had hobbies. This witch liked to knit in her spare time.

They "communicated treason and impending doom". Well, we've all been there, haven't we. When the pattern betrays us and the hat starts looking as though it will fit a giant. This witch liked to crochet at weekends.

"Double double, toil and trouble" was actually a reference to plying, experts have found. This witch liked to spindle in her lunch breaks, see?

"Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and the filthy air,
Brooms are needles and needles are brooms, use them to knit when you have no Knitpros spare"

"withered, and so wild in their attire,
that look not like th' inhabitants o' th' earth. . .
each at once her choppy fingers laying
Upon her
skinny lips basket of yarn"

Happy Hallowe'en! Did you have a good one?! We all spent it at the Knitting and Stitching Show in the RDS - so we had a
fabulous Hallowe'en. It was absolutely great to see all of you and to have great chats over the stand at the show. Watch out for a post coming soon - we took lots of pictures!
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[…] This is Knit blogs about their Halloween Window […]