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The Colours of Spring

April 14 2010 – thisisknit

The shelves in the shop are undergoing a transformation under the sun like the flowerbeds outside - a whole new rainbow of spring and summer shades is taking over! After the grim weather we have had lately, it's lovely to be surrounded by sun and colour again both inside and out. We can bring this warmth into our crafting too - knitting and crocheting don't have to be only about creating warm garments to keep us alive in the winter! Why not try to crochet a pretty flower or knit some leaves to add to the natural beauty around us at the moment? You could create an indoor yarn garden to keep your spirits high when the weather turns again. Shawls are also a great spring/summer knit, with plenty of new and popular (and free!) patterns in this issue of Knitty to choose from. Spring is also a time when knitting for babies seems to pick up speed! We have a new yarn, Noro Taiyo, that looks just scrumptious when knit up in a Cute as One Button cardigan (free with yarn purchase) as you can see above.


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