This Is ... Spin?
May 31 2010 – thisisknit
One of the traits common to most knitters is the love of trying new crafts and projects out - many knitters also have other hobbies on the go such as scrapbooking, crochet or quilting. Well, one hobby that has really caught the knitters of Dublin up in its whirlwind lately is spinning! Not the cycling-in-one-spot kind of spinning either, but the act of spinning one's own yarn from batt, roving, pieces of silk and other bits and pieces lying around (but the Laura Hogan roving is the creme de la creme for the discerning spinner!).
There's even a Dublin Spin-In, held in the Powerscourt Centre Loft one Sunday per month from 1pm onwards. If this sounds like just your cup of tea or you are looking for your "next" favourite hobby - come along and enjoy the fibres and colours with other like-minded enthusiasts! You can read more about spinning in Dublin on the Dublin Knit Collective discussion boards on Ravelry, learn about spinning, and of course you can get all the materials you need at our place right before before the Spin-In!