Love or hate the process - those little ends will need to be dealt with and we have a few tips to make this step a little easier for you. Weaving in ends is part best practice and part pure instinct sometimes! Did you know that it's best not to trim your ends fully until after the blocking process? We talk about why in this short video too.

Finishing Touches
Weaving in Ends
Blocking your finished cowl
Definitely don't skip this step! Blocking your project is the true finishing line for any hand knit item and it can have magical results. There's more than one way to tackle it though, so we wanted to walk you through the options and help you to choose the best way for your own version of the Pink Lemonade Cowl. Press play to learn more, and then download our quick reference guide below to keep on hand for future projects too.

Quick Reference Blocking Guide
A handy PDF to download and keep. This quick reference table shows the best blocking methods to use for different fibres and yarn finishes, so you can always get the best results for your projects.