A guide to how to work M1L and M1R increases on the knit side, with an option to replace these with an easier method too.

Welcome to Lesson Three
In this session you will practice three key techniques on your "Frankenswatch". The cast on is coming soon but - for now - it's time to grab some spare yarn and needles for an easy-going intro to some fun new skills.
Increases on the Knit Side
Increases on the Purl Side
A guide to how to work M1L and M1R increases on the purl side, with an option to replace these with an easier method too.
Short Rows: How and Why
This patterns uses a technique called German Short rows to shape up the neckline. As the name suggests, these rows are shorter - partial - rows that will add stitches on to a section of the pattern to add height to it. The tricky part is not to create little holes next to these shorter rows. It might look complicated and feel challenging, but be kind to yourself and take it slow. We've got you! (And in the next lesson we'll have a cheat sheet to help you through using this technique in the pattern itself too.)
All the whys and wherefores of short row shaping, coupled with the how-tos too of course!