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Do something good

August 29 2011 – thisisknit

We've all seen the news reports and images of the horror that's going on in the Horn of Africa. There's many ways to help, but here's one for crafters. Next Saturday, September 3rd, there's a craft day in aid of famine relief in Damer Hall on Stephen's Green. You can view full details at this page. There's a wide range of classes all day, from embroidery through origami to felting. There's a stitch and bitch all day, with coffee, tea and bake-sale cake to sustain you while you stitch. There's a market stall, offering terrific yarn at extremely reduced prices (made possible by the generosity of many businesses and individuals). There's a couple of things that they've asked us to ask you. First of all, there's a poster and a a flier here. It would be lovely if you could print them out and put them up in your workplace or your community noticeboard or wherever people are likely to spot them. Second, come along. Bring a friend. Grab some new yarn. Learn a new skill. Sit and stitch. Help. This is the reason why.

1 comment

  • Mallow: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    I went, I saw and I conquered (sort of) embroidery and drop spindle spinning! What a wonderful day it was for such a good cause. The yummy home bakes and squishy yarn stall made it even better than you could imagine! x M

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