2018 In Review
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Townhouse Yarns at Yarnporium
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Time for Tweed
October 28 2018
The weather is really starting to bite here, so we're very glad to have some toasty tweed garments to hand as preparation for our London adventures continues... We've just a small stand at Yarnporium - 2m x 2m - so I'm starting to stress a little about how to fit all these gorgeous products in! We'll make it work though,...
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Bringing a Taste of Ireland to Yarnporium
October 26 2018
It's not long now until we hop on the plane to London! We've already sent 5 massive boxes of Irish goodies ahead of us to the venue and we'll be fairly laden down with suitcases on Thursday too. Our focus for Yarnporium will be on some of the very best and brightest from the Irish fibre scene, with yarns on...
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Eye catching Accessories at Yarnporium
October 15 2018
Yarn is absolutely our first love, but what exhibitor stand is complete without some fabulous accessories? We'll be bringing along the Fringe Field Bag range *and* our exclusive Emerald Fibre Bag to Yarnporium this November. Fringe Field Bags At this is Knit we are a little picky about what we want from our project bags. The Fringe Field bags are...
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The Pointe Shawl by Julie Knits in Paris
October 12 2018
In our last post, we mentioned that we are busy getting ready for Yarnporium and today we're ready to reveal the first of the fabulous yarn kits that will be available at our stand in London. This is the beautiful Pointe Shawl by Julie Knits in Paris , knit with 2 skeins of Townhouse Yarns Fade Street and...
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We are going to Yarnporium!
October 11 2018
You have read that right folks. We are off to one of London's finest yarn festivals, Yarnporium and we are bringing some fabulous goodies along too! Would you like to see what we will be bringing? Oh, you would? Are you sure? Great! Because over the next few weeks we will be posting some fluffy goodies and flashing some luxurious skeins across...
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Introducing: "The Stitch Sessions"
August 07 2018
Starting September 2018: Join Colette and Anne for the Stitch Sessions at This is Knit. The sessions will be happening roughly every fortnight on Saturday mornings from 11am to 1pm. These get-togethers are designed with your needs in mind, so you can : Learn something new, Get help with a tricky technique, or Simply enjoy the company of other crafters....
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Sample Knits in Darnie
May 22 2018
There's a lot of buzz happening around the launch of the new fingering weight tweed from Studio Donegal this Friday! We'll be the first to have "Darnie" on sale in Ireland, but some of our lucky friends have already had the chance to knit with this exciting new yarn. And wow... their projects are spectacular! Ishnana by Ysolda Teague Our...
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Pom Pom Quarterly Trunk Show
May 16 2018
You have read that title right folks! May 25th is not just the first day of Woollinn it is also the day that issue 25 of Pom Pom Quarterly goes on sale internationally to your Local Yarn Store and we are hosting the Issue 25 trunk show at our stand at Woollinn! So, who would like a sneak peek at some...
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In the company of colour... a workshop with Felicity Ford
February 14 2018
Just a short 10 days ago we were thrilled to welcome a maestro of stranded colour work to This is Knit. Felicity Ford (aka Knitsonik) led an enthusiastic group of keen knitters and budding designers on a day-long adventure in yarn. Our very own Eimear was part of that group and she has kindly taken over the reins of the...
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The Este Top
November 22 2017
Today I'm handing the reins over to Jacqui again, as she tells us a little more about the Este Top that she knit last summer. The pictures have me dreaming of warmer weather but, in the right shade, this top could work very well as festive-season knit. Think deep reds or rich golds... maybe even a sprinkling of beads? Who...
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Quotidian Colourwork with Felicity Ford
October 31 2017
Join Felicity Ford on Saturday the 3rd of February 2018 for a Full Day Workshop on creating your own stranded colourwork patterns! Tell me more.. In this workshop you will learn how to creatively translate the everyday things you love into stranded colourwork using the KNITSONIK system. Bring along a treasured object or image from which to develop a yarn...
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Woollinn - The Dublin Festival of Yarn!
October 13 2017
Have you heard the news? We're putting together Ireland's first full-on Yarn Festival and it's going to be epic! So epic, in fact, that this event warrants its own website, newsletter, and social media accounts... It's all happening from the 25th to the 27th of May 2018 and workshop tickets are on sale now. We very excited about the big-name...
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The Letesknits Trunk Show
August 02 2017
We're always honoured when a big name designer accepts an invitation to come to Dublin, and often even more so when they decide to make a return trip. Justyna Lorkowska insists she doesn't think of herself as a "big name", but when Malabrigo are knocking on your door for patterns and interviews, then the knitting world has already applied that...
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Playing Catch Up
May 17 2017
It's been a blur. These past few weeks have whizzed by in a whirlwind of special guests, trunk shows and visiting tour groups. But don't worry! There has been a stolen pockets of knitting in scarce moments in between! The "uninitiated" might assume that, for knitters, these summer months are idle, clicking needles stilled in to silence. Thankfully there's absolutely...
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Tsumuzikaze & The Fibre Co Yarn Tasting
April 25 2017
We all know that moment. It might happen when you are idly browsing Ravelry and the design jumps out at you. Or when you bump in to someone at a knitting event. Or even when you spot a random someone on the street. They're wearing a handknit and you simply *must* know... "What pattern is that? Ooooh, what's that yarn?...
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Wrapping Up a Weekend of Shawls with Melanie Berg
April 21 2017
We had a truly wonderful weekend earlier this month with Melanie Berg's fabulous trio of shawl workshops. Knitters from far and wide came to learn more about Shawl Construction, Colourwork Shawls and Mosaic Knitting. Over the course of both days the students around Melanie's table were simply blown away by the many beautiful samples she brought with her as project...
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The Edinburgh Yarn Festival
March 24 2017
The knitting internet has been abuzz with reports from the Edinburgh Yarn Festival these past two weeks. You may well already have read about the amazing atmosphere, the inspiring classes and the wonderful products on offer. But we just had to add our own voices to the chiming chorus of praise for a truly spectacular event and, of course, to...
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Interview: Kate from A Playful Day and her journey in the online sphere
March 17 2017
It's an exciting time to be part of the independent, creative world. There has been a worldwide resurgence in the appreciation of craft and we're seeing a growing recognition of the power of collaboration and support within the creative industries. This sense of community and collective momentum was evident in spades at the recent Edinburgh Yarn Festival, where Kate from...
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