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In public!

June 14 2011 – thisisknit

Saturday last was WWKIP Day, and we had what could only be called a ton of fun. There was yarn, there was cake, there was knitting, there were prizes, there was tolerable weather and there was the very best of company. That's the short version... ... and here's the longer one! We started on the balcony in the Powerscourt Centre, where people who'd never crocheted or knit in public before and people who have been doing it for ages gathered to make lovely things. There was tea and coffee and cake (the Pepperpot coming up trumps again!): It wasn't a surprise that there were some really beautiful finished objects - a brace of Laminaria shawls, for example, one in grey alpaca lace from the Dublin Dye Company, one in Louisa Harding Mulberry silk: There was also yarn at the other end of the process: blink and you'd miss the Natural Dye Company goodies vanishing into capacious bags: The prize raffle had exciting and mysterious prizes: Of course, there were also brightly coloured WIPs... ... and a bright pink sheep: The weather didn't look very promsing for a good part of the day, but when we moved up to Stephen's Green for the rest of the afternoon, it turned out rather fine. As you can see, it was perfect strawberry weather: We met more amazing lace in the Green: here's a stunning example of Jared Flood's latest shawl pattern, Rock Island: Could the collective noun for knitters be a picnic blanket of them? Back in the shop, Jacqui and Dixie had to miss out on a lot of the day's excitement - after all, there was yarn to be wound. WWKIP Day is a chance to catch up with people we met the previous year, or only know from Ravelry, or have never met at all. As we sit on the balcony or in the Green, friendships begin that change lives. It's a powerful thing to be a part of. Roll on WWKIP Day 2012! But first, roll on June 30th, when the fun continues at our Fifth Birthday Party! We hope you'll be there, but we're running out of places fast. There's a booking link at the bottom of this post, so if you haven't booked a place, you can do it with just a couple of clicks.

1 comment

  • crafty blog update 12th-25th June 2011 « Irish Knitting & Crochet: September 16, 2020
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    […] is Knit talks about the World Wide Knit in Public Day; talks about a knitter’s progress; talks about a project with a little bit of lace; another […]

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