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Knitting at the Electric Picnic - Call out for Volunteers!

August 18 2007 – thisisknit

Hot off the press: I have literally just received confirmation that the Knitting Event will be going ahead at the Electric Picnic again this year. We will be setting up either outside the Village Hall area or (if the weather isn't favourable) in a corner of the Village Hall area itself. We're looking for six volunteers to help teach knitting to the festival goers on the Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of September. You can be there for the start of the festival on Friday and stay until Sunday, or arrive early Saturday morning and just stay the one night. The event was an absolute blast last year, and there were loads of knitting blog posts about it at the time, but for our photographic record pop on over to this page to see how we got on... This is a great opportunity to attend a very popular and enjoyable festival and to share your craft with others. The knitting will be on for most of the day but in the evenings you'll be free to see the different acts and participate in the many other goings-on! So, any takers?


  • una: September 16, 2020
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    I could do this. Do you intend to do a couple of shifts each, or is it a case of teaching knitting morning until night?

    Drop me an email if you are still looking for volunteers.


  • Egeria: September 16, 2020
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    Can’t wait!!

  • Elana Kehoe: September 16, 2020
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    No no no! I’ll only have just gotten back…BUMMER :-). I’ll have to plan for next year. Have fun tho!

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