Knitting in Public & The Docklands Festival!
June 04 2008 – thisisknit
We got a little head start on the whole WWKIP thing this Bank Holiday Weekend while we traded at the Docklands Maritime Festival...
There's Carrie attracting lots of attention with her "portable" knitting needles :)
We managed to knit a giant scarf, not once, not twice, but three times over the weekend. This is just one of the finished versions:
We also met lots of new people who enjoyed browsing the range of knitting kits, yarn, needles and buttons which we brought with us...
Elana did her own bit for the KIP cause, while modelling the shrug that is featured in one of the knitting kits (we call it the Simple Lace Shrug)...
I love that image of city centre knitting! Elana and a cement truck... sure why not?!? Hopefully Stephen's Green will have a little less vehicular traffic on the 14th of June :)
We did have a slightly more relaxing view to the rear of the marquee... Yarn and the Liffey...
And we had great fun launching "The Dublin Dye Company" Hand Painted Sock Yarn, including this beautiful skein which Averil (Ravelry Link) named in honour of the very festival it was purchased at. Hi Averil!
And after all that hard work... well... you know... didn't we deserve it? ;)
Thanks Siobhan (more in the way of Ravelry there) for the cheeky photo!!
Don't forget everyone: the WWKIP Scavenger Hunt Competition will begin this Saturday so if you were considering signing up to take part get your entries in quick smart!! The grand prize for this competition is just fantastic and we're sure you'll have a lot of fun trying to win it!! If you missed the details the first time around they are all here.
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