Let's unravel!
October 10 2014 – thisisknit
ThankYouTree By Shrewdcat, CC BY-SA 3.0 Shrewdcat
In a couple of weekends' time, Cow's Lane in Dublin hosts the first of a series of mini-festivals, and this one's all about yarn and fibre! On October 25th and 26th,
UNRAVEL's happening: workshops, installations, learn-to-knit sessions with Diane from the
Dublin Knit Collective, you name it! And there's yarn bombing!
Yarn Bombing on bridge of Cesenatico (Italy). By Sleppa, CC BY-SA 3.0
Yarn bombing? The images in this post give you a hint: it's brightening up the urban landscape with crochet and knitting! It can be hilarious and beautiful and touching, all at the same time, and Cow's Lane is next!
To prepare for the yarn bombing, there's a series of free knitting sessions at The Queen of Tarts on Cow's Lane. On October 14th and 21st (they're Tuesdays), you're welcome to drop along between 10am and noon with needles and yarn, and you'll have company and very good cake while you work. If the morning doesn't suit, there's also an evening session on Wednesday October 15th.
Squares and rectangles are needed for the yarn bombing installation, in any colour or pattern, so jump on in! Two widths will work, either 25cm or 45cm, and you can drop them (or post them) in to the Gutter Bookshop, Cow's Lane, before October 23rd.
You can find more information about all of this at the
New In The Old City webpage and on their
facebook page. The cosy season is coming - let's go a bit wild to celebrate!