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Save the date!

August 04 2015 – thisisknit

It's that time of year again! Yarn Dating returns for another fun-packed evening filled with yarn fumes and general frolics! We'll help you find your perfect match as we guide you on a journey through a carefully selected range of new yarns: both thick and thin, multicoloured and solid, made from alpaca, silk, merino and more... As always we will be offering light refreshments to keep up the energy levels, everyone will go away with a small goody bag and we'll also be running raffles for some fantastic prizes over the course of the night. Last year's Yarn Dating was such fun, and you can see what we got up to here! Finally there will be an extra-special discount offer of 15% off all the sampled yarns on the evening! This includes any purchases made on the night and any special orders placed. Places are limited, so nab yours now over on our booking page! We'd love to see you, and we've got some very special introductions for you!


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