Spring KAL
March 24 2011 – thisisknit
Sunshine and tree blossoms... Longer days and knitting in the park...
For us at TIK that all calls a Spring Knit-a-Long!
Previous KALs (Knitalongs) have included the Annis and Luna Moth Shawls. We're going for garments this time (who doesn't need a cotton cardigan in their Spring/Summer collection?) and we've been absolutely enchanted by the new Louisa Harding "Ondine" patterns. There are two cardigans in particular that we'd see as being staples in anyone's wardrobe:
and Clam:
So, rather than choose, we're opting for both!
Here's how it will work:
The start date for the KAL will be Wednesday 6th of April.
Pop in to the shop (or email/phone us) on or before that date and choose one of the cardigans and your shade of Ondine yarn. Buy the yarn and get the pattern book *completely free*.
The KAL will run until Weds 18th May and everyone who finishes their cardigan by that date will be entered into a draw for a great goody bag prize. Just look at the great selection Julie won last time around...!
Knitting assistance will be available every Wednesday lunchtime at the shop and virtually (24/7) through the dedicated thread in our TIK Ravelry group.
We're also going to experiment with Twitter, and take KAL questions every Wednesday lunchtime from those who can't make it into the shop in person. Twitter users can follow us by clicking here.
Great yarn, free pattern book, sparkling support, fabulous camaraderie and a completely-untested-fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants-Twitter element. This KAL should be a lot of fun! :)

[…] months ago (really? it doesn’t seem that long), we started the Spring KAL. There’s a pleasing number of finished objects in the KAL Ravelry thread, and some people are […]
[…] weather, studiously ignoring the WIP mountain new beginnings, and SPRING, I’m taking part in the Spring This-Is-Knitalong. It’s a Louisa Harding thingie; you knit one of the two cardigan patterns from her new summer […]
[…] this post a couple of weeks back, we promised you sparkling support for the Spring KAL. We’re as good […]
[…] stuff. Cotton dishcloth swaps are being organised. The sun is shining too hot for wearing wool. The latest TIK-along (which I am totally doing, WIPs bedamned) should help with the […]
OHH count me in – I need a KAL to move on my knitting projects – this will be my first garment – a change from socks and scarves!
Oh, oh I LOVE this!!!! Breaker for me, tho I’ve never done buttons before!
Must go look at colours!! And no one tell B, lols!
I am IN! Clam for me too, I just love it.
Ohhhh, that’s really tempting. Might be what I need to get me out of my knitting slump, and Clam (a) is lovely looking, and (b) would work nicely as a maternity cardigan.