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Sunny Sunday Spinning...

August 30 2010 – thisisknit

Start Spinning We had an almost tropical afternoon on the Powerscourt balcony yesterday, as the sun was out in force :D The tropical theme was picked up nicely by R's fibre (a mixed batt with sparkly angelina from the ever-talented Laura Hogan). RLauraBatt Drop spindles abounded, with D and Dee, showing us how it's done on the top whorl version: Dspinning DeeSpinning And E was using her gorgeous homemade bottom whorl spindle with her fibre. We're begging her to make more for the shop! BottomWhorl SpinningBottomWhorl My wheel had it's second outing at a Spin In and I finished spinning singles from a BFL Laura Hogan Top. Next stop: adventures in plying! WheelSpinning


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