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The Last Minute Christmas Gift Meet Up!

October 15 2007 – thisisknit

You know how it works. Some time around late August / early September you begin formulating ambitious plans to knit gifts for all your nearest and dearest: the lace stole for Mum; a snuggly dressing gown for the little one; socks for Dad and the all important stylish-but-not-too-fussy raglan jumper for your significant other. Then you get "sidetracked" by all the patterns in Fitted Knits, that are perfect for you, the latest edition of Knitty and the odd hat or two to keep the chill off as colder mornings arrive. Suddenly, it's November. What do you do? Come along to This is Knit on Sunday 25th of November, bring your thinking cap (and two or three quick gift ideas, if you have them) and meet up with your fellow knitters for a "Think-In". Swap pattern ideas, sympathise with others on tight deadlines and get your Christmas knitting sorted! We'll be acting as hosts, but this is not a workshop or class in a traditional sense, more of a brainstorming and moral support session. As it's a Christmas themed gathering, all contributions of baked goods and sweeties to share will be very welcome, but this is entirely optional. We'll confirm the exact time for the meet up closer to the day so watch this space. Thanks to all the girls at our weekly Knit Night for suggesting the event :) So, will you be joining us?


  • Elana Kehoe: September 16, 2020
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    I’ll bring some vegan goodies!!

  • Charlene: September 16, 2020
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    I will be there too – really looking forward to it marking the start of the real Christmas season :-)

  • Nic: September 16, 2020
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    Sounds like fun! I’ll be there if I can – besides, I might do a little stash enhancement while I’m at it. Keep us posted. Stash diet? What stash diet is that then?

  • Yvonne: September 16, 2020
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    I’m already trying to figure out what to bake… Chocolate cherry cupcakes? Gingerbread? Lots of options to consider!

  • Aileen: September 16, 2020
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    I’ll be there! Mmmm the new stuff looks delicious!

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