World Wide Knit in Public Day
May 22 2007 – thisisknit
What's this all about then? Getting out there, sharing our craft, meeting new people, having fun and hopefully raising some money along the way - knitting in public!
Lien and Jackie have been doing a great job getting this event organised and you can keep updated on all the plans over at Lien's blog. We love the idea of knitting on the Dart, attracting a bit of attention on the way and converging on Stephen's Green for an afternoon of craft and chat. Keep your fingers crossed for the sunshine!
Hi Averil,
I like the idea of an impromtu Madrid gathering! You might meet some other knitters that way and then get a local knitting group going :) It’s worth a try – and, either way, you’re guaranteed to get some relaxing knitting time with fresh air into the bargain…
Happy Birthday again Nicola – enjoy the weekend. As for KIP – bring kids, cousins, aunts, neighbours, grannies and friends – the more the merrier!
I´ve just checked and they don´t have a meet up in Madrid, in fact in all of Spain. So, I´ll just have to take myself off to a park and practice my new knitting skills and some Spanish.
Sounds great. Childcare allowing I’ll be there. I even have some Knitting Kids to add to the mix. They would get people talking!