A winter mystery
December 02 2014 – thisisknit
Well, December's here and it's all getting a bit busy. All the more need, then, for a reason to sit down quietly and do a little knitting.
Debbie Bliss's Holiday Knit-Along comes at exactly the right time. Over the next few weeks, a baby blanket with seasonal motifs takes shape, a couple of wee squares at a time. None of them take long, and they're all stylish and simple to knit. The first two instalments are already available, and the rest will be released each Monday between now and Christmas. The last week will feature Debbie's clever hints for assembling and embellishing your blanket.
The suggested yarn is
Debbie Bliss Mia, with Ecru and Ruby as the cheerful colours. It's a wool and cotton blend DK that works up easily, and there's lots of other colours too!
What could be nicer than a little square of knitting, with a cup of tea and perhaps a nice pie? We can't think of a single thing, can you?