Join Our Spring KAL 2017
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Finding inspiration
July 08 2014
With our Hap KAL underway, there's a lot of discussion in the shop and in the Ravelry thread about pattern ad yarn choice. Sometimes the best ideas come from looking at other people's projects, so here's how to go looking for it! We're starting on the Ravelry home page, where you'll find the patterns link in the green banner along...
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Morning has broken!
July 01 2014
What a gorgeous set of Daybreak shawls! Our spring Knit-ALong was an awful lot of fun (they're the ones that were posted in the thread, though we're sure there's lots of others that got made too!). And as promised, we've picked a prize winner using the Random Number Generator, and we're very happy to announce that the lucky knitter is...
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It's springtime!
March 07 2014
And that means a Knit-Along! This time, we've chosen a stunning Stephen West pattern, Daybreak. It's a lovely versatile accessory, and like the Color Affection in last year's KAL, it uses two yarns to make smart stripes. We've made two already, both in Malabrigo Arroyo. The purple and navy, made by Jacqui, is the smaller size (it took 62g of...
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Venus rising
March 01 2013
(Image © Julie Matkin, www.halfadreamaway.com) The people have spoken, over in the Aoibhe Nà Crochet-Along voting thread, and Venus has been chosen as our pattern! Our official start date is tomorrow, March 1st, though if you're not quite ready to leap in, we've got two whole months to work through the project, so there's plenty of time. Right now, we're...
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Together again
February 19 2013
We've been a little stunned at the success of our Color Affection mini-Knit-Along. The last time we tried to count, there were more than fifty of these gorgeous things in progress, all over and outside of the country. There's lots more about our Color Affection exploits, including the extended deadline, in the Ravelry thread. We love AoibheNÃ's brilliant Tunisian Lace...
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Suddenly colour
January 24 2013
Look, it just happened, ok? First, there was a blog post on our trio of Color Affections and then it exploded. Before we knew it, there's a sudden Knit-Along happening. All over the place, people are gleefully choosing yarns, burrowing into stash, mixing colours. We've got a thread over in the This Is Knit group on Ravelry to discuss plans...
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Knitting along
March 20 2012
Our Spring Knit-a-Long is now well underway, with a dedicated Ravelry thread going on right here. We've got lots of cardigans underway, in at least four countries and three continents. We're very happy to report that knitting along has helped several people with various parts of the patterns - having fellow knitters to ask about something in common makes a...
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Spring KAL 2012
February 17 2012
It's Knit-a-Long time again! Why not join us? Spurred on by the success of last year's garment KAL (when we were simply floored by the number of beautiful finished "Clams" and "Breakers") we're leaping in to cardigans and sweaters again. We've selected two patterns and one yarn, but the second pattern has instructions for either a cardigan or a sweater...
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Bring on the sparkle!
April 08 2011
In this post a couple of weeks back, we promised you sparkling support for the Spring KAL. We're as good as our word: that's what we bring you today. As of now, there's a good number of people (seventeen, according to the count in the dedicated Ravelry post) taking part in the KAL, with both Clam and Breaker underway. Most...
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