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Only the best

September 13 2014 – thisisknit

Last weekend, the winners of the Irish Times Best Shops for 2014 were announced, voted for by the public and carefully judged by secret shoppers. The list covers the entire country, so we were very proud to learn that two of the winners are our neighbours: Article in the Best Gifts, Design and Interiors section and The Garden for Best Shop Window. So imagine our delight when we discovered that Article currently stocks the most beautiful knitting- and crochet-themed platters at the moment. The image above shows the knitted version: the striking design is made by pressing a piece of knitted lace onto the surface of the plate before the coloured glaze goes on. This is the crochet version - again, a delicate lace doily is preserved forever on the surface. They're made in Italy by Ceramiche Bucci. They're so characteristic of what Article offers: unique, practical and beautiful design. And what a special occasion gift for a knitter or crocheter! So if you're visiting us, schedule a wee detour into Article - you'll be very glad you did, and you never know what you might find. And you'll be only steps away from the most beautiful shop window in Ireland - Mark Grehan's astoundingly lovely flower shop in the front hall of Powerscourt townhouse....


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