Beginner Tips for Knitting and Crochet
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Books Books Books on the This is Knit Vlog
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This is Knit Vlog - Let's Talk Tools
July 03 2019
In this episode, Jacqui takes us through the needles and hooks in This is Knit. From straight needles and circular to different types of crochet hooks, Jacqui gives us a brief overview of the differences of each type. https://youtu.be/UInqRiz4Z4c We know that the choice of needles and hooks when you start out is overwhelming. If you're unsure, you can always...
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The Weekender
February 27 2018
Back in January I was lucky enough to attend the extravaganza that is Vogue Knitting Live in New York. When the tickets first went on sale I absolutely leapt at the chance to take a class with Andrea Mowry, especially as the topic was something I had been dying to get more experience with. In "Beyond Brioche Basics" Andrea walked...
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How I made our yarn wreath...
December 01 2017
It's all getting very Christmassy indeed in the shop now, with the beautiful lights of the Powerscourt Centre and our yarn wreath gracing our doors. If you'd like to make your own version then there's oodles of tutorials over on Pinterest. I read quite a few of them and then mashed up my own version with the best tips. My...
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15 Knitted Gift Ideas
November 16 2016
Are you in need of some knitted gift inspiration? Then this post is for you! We have compiled a list of our favourites along with some yarn suggestions so that you can whip up a gorgeous handmade gift in no time at all... 1. Zuzu's Petals by Carina Spencer The best thing about this quick lace cowl pattern...
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Two Words, Two Winners!
October 24 2016
It's been a while since we've had a giveaway, so we figured it was time to run a fun little competition. We're making this very simple to enter, and there'll be not one, but two winners come this Saturday! You may have heard Lisa on 2fm last week, when she was chatting to the crew on the Nicky Byrne Show...
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Quick And Cosy
January 10 2016
With temperatures dropping below zero all over the country, many of us are feeling the bitter sting of winter, and that quickly reminds us of the need for cosy layers! With your holiday queue done and dusted, it's time to focus on you again. If you're lucky, maybe you've even been gifted some lovely wool, or a gift voucher for...
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A Zeal for Teal
December 03 2015
Every knitter has their weaknesses, whether it be the perfect sock pattern or alpaca blend wool, though I'm sure none are stronger than my unwavering addiction to the colour teal! It's hopelessly insatiable, I'm quick to snap up any teal skein as soon as it hits the shelves, and that's not likely to change any time soon. Two of my...
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Christmas Starts Here!
December 01 2015
We've been eyeing up yarn-themed wreaths on Pinterest for a while now, so it was past time one was created for the shop. After a bit of stash-diving, *lots and lots* of wrapping, and a healthy dose of hot glue, this is the result! There are oodles of versions on Pinterest for inspiration and plenty of tutorials too. If you'd...
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Mojo Magic
November 03 2015
We meet a lot of customers in the shop who confess to having "too many" projects on the go at home. This fact is whispered conspiratorially, often guiltily, and quite often during a purchase of yarn for a new project to be started. Of course, we understand, I'm sure not I'd like to know the actually number of items that...
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Etsy on our doorstep
August 11 2015
A little more than nine years ago, This Is Knit started with a wee market stall and a very tiny website. There's a bit more room to walk around in the shop now, but we're still a small business. So we like to support other small businesses in any way we can, especially if they're craftspeople, and the internet makes...
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The Little Yellow Duck Project
July 10 2015
This is Cecil. He's part of a very special movement: the Little Yellow Duck Project. All over the world, little crafted yellow duckies are popping up in unexpected places, looking for a home. The project has a serious basis. Founded in memory of a young woman who died of cystic fibrosis before a suitable lung donor was found (here's the...
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Casting off the year
January 03 2015
2014 was quite a year, wasn't it? As usual, we've been looking back at what we got up to at This Is Knit, and it was a bumper year. We've got some highlights to share with you, so why not pop the kettle on and join us for a spot of nostalgia. A very happy event happened early in the...
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Only the best
September 13 2014
Last weekend, the winners of the Irish Times Best Shops for 2014 were announced, voted for by the public and carefully judged by secret shoppers. The list covers the entire country, so we were very proud to learn that two of the winners are our neighbours: Article in the Best Gifts, Design and Interiors section and The Garden for Best...
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Do a little good!
July 11 2014
Fancy using your crochet or knitting to help someone tiny and precious? Here's just the thing: the Neonatal Centre & Special Care Baby Unit at Coombe Womens' and Infants University Hospital are looking for teeny hats and blankets. Can you help? One of our loveliest customers, Clare, who's clareblove on Ravelry, recently started a thread in the Dublin Knit Collective...
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Now we are eight!
May 27 2014
It's hard to believe, but this coming weekend, This Is Knit is eight years old! So we've got a birthday present for you! This Thursday, Friday and Saturday (May 29th, 30th and 31st), if you buy eight balls of yarn, you'll get a ninth for free! This offer applies right across all our current stock.* You can get different colours,...
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Welcome to the world!
April 11 2014
It gives us terrific pleasure to introduce OisÃn, the youngest member of the This Is Knit family. He was born nearly eight weeks ago, and he's the dotiest wee person imaginable. And up above he's posing in the Owlie sleepsack knitted for him by his Auntie Jen. That beautiful picture is one of a series taken by Emmylie Cruz, a...
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Doing some good
January 31 2014
With St Patrick's Day just peeping over the horizon, Age Action Ireland Ireland launched a sweet Knitted Shamrock campaign earlier this week, and we're delighted to tell you about it. Here's how it works: there's a pretty shamrock pattern to download at this link. A shamrock takes just minutes to make, and we've all got oddments of yarn that can...
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Group think
August 30 2013
Knitting group, stitch and bitch, craft night – whatever you call it, if you like crochet or knitting or tatting or embroidery and the idea of doing it in good company appeals, this is for you! There are groups all over the city and the country – indeed, they're all over the world! From beginner to expert, everyone's welcome and...
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