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Doing some good

January 31 2014 – thisisknit

With St Patrick's Day just peeping over the horizon, Age Action Ireland Ireland launched a sweet Knitted Shamrock campaign earlier this week, and we're delighted to tell you about it. Here's how it works: there's a pretty shamrock pattern to download at this link. A shamrock takes just minutes to make, and we've all got oddments of yarn that can be put to good use. Age Action Ireland is aiming for 20,000 shamrocks, which will be sold at a cost of €2 each from retail outlets throughout the country from March 1st, so every single one is precious. The deadline is February 25th, and you can find the address to send them to at that link as well. Over the years, our customers have shown staggering generosity and ingenuity in Innocent's Big Knit, which also benefits Age Action. Seasonal knitting, a fast-as-lightning pattern and a good cause - what could be better?

1 comment

  • Age Action: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Many thanks for highlighting our St Patrick’s Day shamrock campaign! Your support, and the support of your readers, is greatly appreciated.

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