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Group think

August 30 2013 – thisisknit

Knitting group, stitch and bitch, craft night – whatever you call it, if you like crochet or knitting or tatting or embroidery and the idea of doing it in good company appeals, this is for you! There are groups all over the city and the country – indeed, they're all over the world! From beginner to expert, everyone's welcome and you'll soon see proof that everyone messes up sometimes. What's more, you'll get to know lovely people that you'd probably not meet otherwise. There's no better place to find admiration for your finished object or commiseration when your work in progress doesn't cooperate. Dublin has a terrific resource in the Dublin Knit Collective – both on that site and in the related Ravelry group, you'll find details of what's convenient for you. For the rest of Ireland, the Irish Knitters group is a good place to look, and to ask if you can't see anything. Then just come along with your project – and something simple's perfect here, because all the laughter and chat can distract from the complicated stuff. If you can't find a group that suits you, then why not start one yourself? All you need is a venue with good light and some people to come along. Cafés and bars are good places, and community centres and public libraries are popular too. It's a good idea to have a couple of core people who'll show up every time until the group gets a head of steam. If there's a sign on the table to announce that you're a group and that people are welcome to join, you don't just look like a few friends knitting while you chat. Then tell the world! If you're in Dublin, let the Dublin Knit Collective know, and post in Irish Knitters. Notices on noticeboards (especially in your venue) will bring people in too. Setting up a group of your own on Ravelry will mean that you're findable there – and if you're going away on holidays or for work, why not search if there's a local group where you're going and join them for an evening? They'll be delighted you found them. Yarn, skills, new friends – all that's missing is you! In other news, we're over the moon about making the Irish Times shortlist for the Best Shop in Ireland. Thank you so much to all our lovely customers who nominated us! Voting has closed, with over three thousand nominations whittled down to just fifty, and we're very proud to be in such wonderful company. You can see all the other nominees at that link, and the ten favourites will be announced on September 7th. We're very excited!

1 comment

  • Bernadette Smyth: November 07, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Do you crochet class on for free on ZOOM or do you have crochet pattern for free on line

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