Rusted Root Update

May 03 2009 – Elana

I'm loving this pattern.  And this yarn!! /ahem So, Rusted Root continues on.  I'm on row 41, which is 2 short of moving the sleeves to waste yarn and starting to do proper in-the-round knitting, joining under the armholes.  There's about 200 stitches on the needles right now, which takes me about 25 minutes to do one round.  That's a bit painful sometimes ("No, dear, I can't stop in the middle of a round!") but it's really starting to come together now.  See? RustedRoot2 I'm beyond thrilled with it.  The lace pattern is easy for a lace beginner like me (15 stitches every other row, come on, that's easy!) and the pattern is pretty well written.  I did have an issue back in row 2, which I didn't realize til row 30 and had to rip out...well, Aileen ripped out for me, I couldn't watch.  I started over, and this is where I am now.  The Cotanani is lovely to knit with.  I'm looking forward to trying some Cotton Fleece from Brown Sheep, which is also 80% cotton, 20% wool, on the next project.  Whatever that is.  No, must focus!!  I have nothing else on the needles right now but this, and will not cast on for anything til it's done!


  • Elana: September 16, 2020
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    Helen, I was thinking that, but I am determined to have it done before we leave in 6 weeks. So, head down, and KNIT! :-D

  • Elana: September 16, 2020
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    Mary, you’ll see it soon, but still chugging away. Had to rip out 5 rows or so, cause I messed up the lace pattern. /headdesk

  • HelenMc: September 16, 2020
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    Elana your rusted root is looking really good. Well done for hanging in there after the frogging – that can sometimes be so traumatic that the wool languishes at the bottom of the bag wondering what it did wrong. Happy knitting!

  • Mary L: September 16, 2020
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    Your rusted root is looking so good and the colour will be perfect on you. Cant wait to see it in real life :)

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