Rusted Root Update
May 03 2009 – Elana
I'm loving this pattern. And this yarn!!
So, Rusted Root continues on. I'm on row 41, which is 2 short of moving the sleeves to waste yarn and starting to do proper in-the-round knitting, joining under the armholes. There's about 200 stitches on the needles right now, which takes me about 25 minutes to do one round. That's a bit painful sometimes ("No, dear, I can't stop in the middle of a round!") but it's really starting to come together now. See?
I'm beyond thrilled with it. The lace pattern is easy for a lace beginner like me (15 stitches every other row, come on, that's easy!) and the pattern is pretty well written. I did have an issue back in row 2, which I didn't realize til row 30 and had to rip out...well, Aileen ripped out for me, I couldn't watch. I started over, and this is where I am now. The Cotanani is lovely to knit with. I'm looking forward to trying some Cotton Fleece from Brown Sheep, which is also 80% cotton, 20% wool, on the next project. Whatever that is. No, must focus!! I have nothing else on the needles right now but this, and will not cast on for anything til it's done!

Helen, I was thinking that, but I am determined to have it done before we leave in 6 weeks. So, head down, and KNIT! :-D
Mary, you’ll see it soon, but still chugging away. Had to rip out 5 rows or so, cause I messed up the lace pattern. /headdesk
Elana your rusted root is looking really good. Well done for hanging in there after the frogging – that can sometimes be so traumatic that the wool languishes at the bottom of the bag wondering what it did wrong. Happy knitting!
Your rusted root is looking so good and the colour will be perfect on you. Cant wait to see it in real life :)