That was the yarn that was

January 03 2012 – thisisknit

The Christmas knitting over, the mince pies eaten, we thought we'd take a deep breath and recall some of what we've been up to for the last year. There was an awful lot of it! We had visitors! In a summer and autumn stuffed with special events - one-off visits, workshops, our fifth birthday party, the yarn tasting - we were lucky enough to welcome Laura Chau... ...Debbie Bliss (and our Chicago friend Skippy)... ...Aoibhe Ní... ...Carole Feller (launching Contemporary Irish Knits)... ...Kate Davies, here with Yvonne of the Dublin Dye Company... ...Amy Singer... (this picture demonstrates how lucky we are to have our own resident "yarnographer" and also how unorganised we are when said yarnographer is actually taking part in one of our events... Incredibly, we completely forgot to get a snapshot of Amy in the shop! If you attended this workshop and have one you'd like to share then we'd be eternally grateful.) Amy Singer and this was Louisa Harding when she came for our official opening at the end of November: What an impressive roll-call! We're so happy they came, and we can't wait to see them again. While we're on the topic of the new shop, what huge excitement the move was: Even better than all of this was the projects that you made with yarn from This Is Knit. We were delighted at frog blankets... ...and christening shawls... and contented little polar bears: ...and right at the very end of the year, the most elegant cardigan from the Spring Knit ALong: In a particularly lovely piece of timing, roseofskye posted her finished Clam this very week. She took that picture to show one of the cleverest things we've seen all year: to echo the cabled cuff of the cardigan, she made a beaded bracelet with twisted lines. Isn't it lovely? It's a Wendy Turri design called "Over and Under". From Nikki's crocheted wedding dress to a a treeful of decorations, we've been delighted and astonished all year with the beauty, ingenuity and fun that you all conjure with bits of yarn. So we'd like to wish you all a very happy 2012 - we can't wait to see what happens next!

1 comment

  • Jackie - Karp Styles Crochet and Knitting Patterns: September 16, 2020
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    OOh what cute polar bears.

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