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May 31 2012 – thisisknit

Aren't these charms the dotiest thing? We've just got them into the shop, and we're still coming up with more things to do with them. You could make stitch markers from them (at 2 centimetres long, they're an excellent size), of course, but with a bit of ribbon, they'd brighten the wrapping for a small crafted gift, or you could wear them together on a chain at neck or wrist. And in the same range, we've got shiny little labels like this: They say it quietly, tucked away inside a hem or a cuff, or again, nestling in the wrapping. They come in packets of six and they're just one centimetre long, so they're subtle as well as sweet. We've also got similarly sized labels to mark your creation proudly as hand made (you get six of these as well): We're sure that there's many, many uses for these little embellishments that we haven't noted down, and we'd love to hear your ideas, so leave us a comment to tell us! (Is it too early to talk of stocking fillers? Yes. It probably is.)

1 comment

  • MweaG: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Earrings! I’m thinking earrings! :)

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