Colour works

May 14 2014 – thisisknit

A month or so back, we featured a guest post from Fiona Parker and Daniel Rye, who keep us supplied with Navia Yarn. They gave us a glimpse of the sort of garments they feature, and now we've got sample garments and pattern books in the shop too, and oh my, they're gorgeous! Our display garments come from Navia Book 18, and we've also got Book 17 in stock. Using the amazing colour palette of Navia to the full, they're packed full of lovely stranded colourwork pieces. They've got clever design details like in-the-round construction (no awkward purling while trying to follow the chart backwards!), cool touches like the neon flash on that shoulder placket, and simply effective colourwork motifs. What's more, these garments will stand up to a terrific amount of wear - the unique blend of Shetland, Faroese and Australian wool will ensure that. And if you've never tried stranded colourwork before, then we'll let you in on a secret: it's not hard at all. In fact, it's easy, and we can show you how! We have regular colourwork classes in the teaching schedule, so keep an eye on our list of classes and get yourself all skilled up!


  • thisisknit: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    Thanks for the suggestion Colette – we’ll arrange a tutorial asap, so stay tuned!

  • Colette: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    I would love if someone could help me with bullion stitch in crochet, any plans for tutorial?? Many thanks Colette

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