Too Much Yarn? Accessories for the chronically over-stashed...
May 22 2018 – Lisa

We've heard it said that it's possible to have too much yarn. That perhaps there can come a time when a fibre-enthusiast finds themselves at a Yarn Festival but they absolutely do not need another skein to take home. We don't subscribe to such theories at all, of course. But... just in case, here's our list of fun notions and accessories that you can pick up from us without breaking (or even bending) any self-imposed rules on stashing 😉.
Our "top pick" has to be these tongue-in-cheek stemless wine* glasses from Knit Baah Purl. There are two designs to choose from: "Three Sheeps to the Wind" and "Sheepfaced". The glasses are protected by bubble wrap for travel and are boxed up attractively if you plan on buying one as a gift. Whichever design you go for we have one key recommendation to make post purchase: stockinette and more stockinette... 😉
Or how about a stylish and practical accessory? Something understated, but also an unmistakable symbol of your allegiance to fibre? Yep, I'm referring to the Leather Wrist Ruler - and we'll have a full range of sizes and shades on our stand this week.
Or maybe you're ready to try something new? CraSy Trios are a new product from Addi that make knitting small projects in the round a breeze! They're perfect for sleeves, socks and baby hats and we're seeing a lot of knitters change over from their standard Magic Loop or DPN methods in favour of these. Pop a set in your bag at Woollinn and give them a whirl - they might just seduce you too ...
We've recently waxed lyrical about the wondrous Field Bags from Fringe Supply Co and we're thrilled to have some limited stock to bring with us to Woollinn, including the re-launched Toffee Shade.
If you're after something with more local flair though, then you might want to snap up one of the *exclusive* Emerald Fibres Bags that we are launching at the Show. Two very talented women collaborated to bring this stunning design to life and we're thrilled to be featuring the results of their work at Stand G2.
Missed any of our Woollinn announcements so far? You can catch up on them all right here.
Wine Glasses
Leather Wrist Rulers

CraSy Trios

Project Bags