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A nice cuppa

March 17 2013 – thisisknit

It's St Patrick's Day here in Dublin, and we'd like to wish you a very happy day, wherever you are. And wherever you are, we hope you get to sit down and have a nice quiet cup of tea and a bit of yarncraft. We're so fond of tea round here that we make clothes for it - there's proof in the picture above of the very first outing for our new Celtic Cosy, made from just two balls of Studio Donegal Aran, and now on sale as a kit. And here's a shoutout to our lovely neighbours at the Pepper Pot, where we took that picture. They're open today and tomorrow even when we're shut, and there's no nicer place for a big pot of tea (and there's special Guinness and chocolate cake this weekend).

1 comment

  • Florence: September 16, 2020
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    I miss Ireland…

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