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Announcing Olla 4ply from Townhouse Yarns

May 10 2018 – Lisa

Announcing Olla 4ply from Townhouse Yarns - This is Knit
Announcing Olla 4ply from Townhouse Yarns - This is Knit

Olla - A hand-dyed yarn on an Irish milled base

Olla is a thing of exquisite beauty, a yarn that requires you to hold it, take a moment and just breathe while you dream.  Olla 4ply from Townhouse Yarns is 100% Wool composed of mixed Southern Hemisphere fleece. It is lofty, plied and has a certain depth that is hard to put into words. It is also milled completely in Ireland making this yarn truly unique. Jenny knew that Olla (which means "Woollen" in Irish) had to launch with an equally beautiful pattern... Enter the talented Ailbíona McLochlainn (aka LB Handknits) to create this romantic, timeless sweater - Scéal Grá.  Who could describe a design better than it's creator and so we leave it to Ailbíona to introduce you to her Love Story.   Photo credit: Ailbíona McLochlainn

Scéal Grá  by Ailbíona McLochlainn

We say that knitting is a labour of love. And at no time do I feel this more keenly than when working lace into garments. The care, the trust, the commitment, the passion... They all must be present, and sustained, for the needles to work their magic and yield a wearable piece of our heart. An ode to this process, Scéal Grá (pronounced scale grah) is Irish for ‘love story.’ Photo credit: Ailbíona McLochlainn Worked seamlessly from the top down, this lightweight, easy-to-wear top is constructed with fitted 3/4 sleeves, relaxed bodice, and flounced hemline. The circular yoke features a delicate lace motif of drooping blossoms, elements of which are also echoed in the sleeves. All edgings are finished with i-cord, for an airy, elegant look. Photo credit: Ailbíona McLochlainn Worked predominantly in stockinette, Scéal Grá is suitable for adventurous beginners, with some experience in lace knitting. Pattern support for special techniques is available through the designer's website. Thank you so much Ailbíona! We will leave you with a sneak peek of some of the other Olla colours that will be available on our stand at Woollinn: You can catch up with all the latest news and announcements for the This is Knit, Woollinn stand here. 


  • Lisa: September 16, 2020
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    Hi Liz,

    Thanks for getting in touch. We do hope to have stock of Olla in the shop when you visit and we look forward to meeting you then :)


  • Las white: September 16, 2020
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    Hello, I wish you all the very best for what looks like a wonderful weekend- woollinn – I can’t be there but I’ll be following on media.
    When I visit in August will you have some of the 4 ply your launching available? Olla?
    regards, Liz

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