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Squshya Cowl

December 20 2010 – thisisknit

Ushya1 SQUSHYA COWL I know, we've a real cowl issue around here! But this one is going to save your bacon if you're stuck for last minute gift ideas... Using one skein of Mirasol Ushya and 12.75mm needles there's really no more than 2 hours of knitting here, maximum. It's a lovely woven stitch and there's no need to worry about button holes because the texture of the fabric allows buttons to go through pretty much anywhere you like. Ushya2 The cowl can be worn in a variety of ways... Ushya3 and the pattern is free with the yarn. Both yarn and buttons are part of our ten-for-three promotion so pick them up in the shop, by phone or online in the next three days and enjoy the 10% discount :D Thanks for joining us on our tour of quick knits and crochet gifts these last few weeks. Happy Christmas and Happy Crafting everyone!

1 comment

  • Allison: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    I wish I could stop by and buy the yarn and buttons, but I’m in New Hampshire, USA! I sure would love the pattern, though (I enjoy your blog via Facebook, even from 3000 miles away!).

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