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And the winner is...

June 23 2015 – thisisknit

It's a glorious summer's day in Dublin, so what better than to announce the winner of our Chicane Knit-Along! As you can see, Lisa's already rocking hers! Before we do, though, we want to thank Jimenez Joseph, the very clever designer of Chicane, both for the pattern and for her amazing input in the KAL thread on Ravelry (she's JimiKnits there). Jimi, you made this a very special KAL indeed! The lucky winner gets two prizes - first of all, a free pattern from JimiKnits, and second, ten balls of gorgeous Juniper Moon Findley DK! Now..drumroll, please! Congratulations to ludivine77! To claim your prizes, just get in touch with us and with JimiKnits! Thank you to everyone who took part in the KAL, and here's to wearing your gorgeous Chicanes all summer long!


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